Gama 20 kV a 36 kV
- Circuito Principal 200 A
- Ith 8 kA.
- Montaje Vertical
- Tubo Fusible de 100 A
- Norma CEI 282-2
- Tubo Fusible compatible con los
estándar norteamericanos.
- Este modelo permite el montaje
de la Autoválvula directamente
sobre la escuadra de fijación.
- Eslabones fusible:
de 2 Amp. a 100 Amp.
- Porcelana de color gris, efecto
-- Montaje sencillo gracias a sus
tornillos de fijación anti-giro.
- No es necesaria ninguna
herramienta para cambiar el
La base cortacircuitos en "V" monta aisladores de columna con
armaduras metálicas externas y línea de fuga en función de los niveles
de contaminación I-III-IV asignados.
Su diseño permite el accionamiento por pértiga desde una posición mas
cómoda para la maniobra, al conseguir un ángulo de 45º con respecto a
la base de sujección.
Incorpora un tubo fusible con capacidad para eslabones de hasta 100A
, y es totalmente intercambiable con los modelos de una columna y
modelos de otros fabricantes.
El interior del tubo portafusible está constituido por un recubrimiento
vegetal lo que le confiere un poder de extinción superior a otros
modelos (según fabricante).
El Seccionalizador en "V" monta aisladores de columna con
armaduras metálicas externas y línea de fuga en función de los niveles
de contaminación I-III-IV asignados.
Su diseño permite el accionamiento por pértiga desde una posición mas
cómoda para la maniobra, al conseguir un ángulo de 45º con respecto a
la base de sujección.
15 , 24 y 36 kV
12 - 25 - 40 - 63 -100 - 140 A
Número de Defectos: 1 , 2 (Estándar) , 3.
Tiempo de Regeneración : Min. 30s.
Principales Características :
Dispositivo Autoalimentado. Utilización conjunta con Interruptores automáticos.
Importante reducción en los costes derivados de mano de obra y sustitución de fusible de los Cut-Out
convencionales derivados de fallos transitorios, ocasionados por tormentas eléctricas , accidentes
vegetales , etc...
Ausencia de Arcos y desgaste en los contactos.
Reutilización del equipo tras su rearme manual y acoplamiento en su base.
The Fuse Cutout type DHE was developed to operate in overhead distribution systems rated at 12-15 kV and 15-27,kV or 27-38 kV grounded systems with 100 or 200 A nominal currents.
Especially designed to protect transformers, capacitors, cables or lines.
It is robust construction, made of rigorously tested material, will interrupt all faults under the
most severe conditions, maintaining mechanical and electric characteristics.
The inserts, hardware and structural bolts and nuts are made from heavy galvanized steel.
The Fuse Cutout type OEI PRW can be applied on all three-phase system rated at or below the maximum operational rating of the cutout. In highly polluted environments or environments with high levels of salinity, a cutout may be used with a higher nominal rating than
that of the system where it is being installed, where the insulator will have a greater leakage distance to ground, allowing for
increased safety against discharge. For an even better protection against abrasions, the hardware may be supplied in stainless
steel. The fuse cutout type OEI PRW has attachment hooks in aluminum.
The Fuseholder has a stainless steel flipper, which associated with a spring doesn't allow the fuse link to be subject to traction
forces of over 3 Kgf, especially during closing. This me chanism also allows for high speed fuse link separation. The fuse cutout
type OEI PRW allows for the insertion of the fuse tube in a precise man ner and always in perfect alignment, due to the large distance
between the grunion pocket. Lower contact, silver-to-silver, provide du el current path, independent of hinge pivot. Stainless-steel
back-up springs prevent arcing when tube rises in hinge during recoil. The fuse cutout type OEI PRW may be transformed into a DICONNECT up to 300 A, by simply changing the fuse tube for an electrolytic copper blade.
The DHE Fuse Cutouts conform to ANSI and IEC standards, with independent tests performed At:
CPRI Always use quality fuse links. Only they can assure excellent performance.
Third: Specification of Cutout fuse:
- Scope of The Tender:
This tender includes for the manufacturing, testing, packing, shipping CIF Baghdad of outdoor type 11kV (24 kV insulators) and 33kV expulsion fuse cutouts.
- General Requirements:
The materials shall be of first class quality and designed for continuous satisfactory operation as continuity of supply is of prime importance and to operate satisfactorily under variation of load, voltage and short circuit or other conditions which may occur on the system provided that these variations are within the assigned rating of the apparatus. The materials used shall be suitable for the following climatic conditions.
The cut out is fastened on a common cross arm which can be of steel, The contacts of the expulsion fuses are chosen in such a way as to ensure reliable contact pressure and drop out of the fuse carrier when operating.
The fuse carrier consist of an insulating tube into which the fuse link is built-in. The fuse link consist of a standard copper wire and a gauged silver wire as a fuse element. The fuse links are designed for standard rated current from 10A to 50A.
By its methods of operation the expulsion fuse cut outs is a switch-disconnector which breaks current within approximately 20msec and does not limit the current. After the fuse element is being melted the fuse carrier drops out from the upper fuse-base contact and performs reliable disconnection. The use carrier stays hanging on the bottom of the fuse-base contact. The operation of operator removes the fuse carrier by an insulating rod, insert a new fuse link and close it again. Expulsion fuse cutouts are applied as protection for distribution transformers and supply mains. especially for the protection against the undesired action of the short circuit current and earth fault current.
Technical data, dimensions, catalogues required.
The expulsion fuse cutouts should be supplied with the necessary element fuses rating 20A, 40A according to the approval of the client.
- Construction:
The expulsion fuse cutout shall be designed suitable for pole mounting on cross arms.
There for it should be supplied completely with fuse holder and fuse link elements with holder bimetal clamp connectors. The fuse link element shall be of a current limiting type in accordance of IEC 60282. The rating of both 33 and 11kV (24 kV insulators) fuses cutouts shall be 100A
- Short circuit interrupting ratings:
The fuse cut-out short circuit interrupting ratings should be according to the following table:
# Rated voltage (kV) |
BIL (kV) |
Current rating (A) |
1 24 |
145 |
100 |
2 36 |
200 |
100 |
- Standards:
The latest revision of the following codes and standards shall be applicable for the equipment
/ materials covered in this specification. In case of any deviation, the vendor / manufacturer
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 83
may propose equipment / material conforming to an alternate code or standard. However, the provision of MOE standards shall supersede the provisions of these alternate standards in case of any difference.
standard |
Description |
IEC 60060 |
High voltage techniques |
IEC 60168 |
Test on indoor and outdoor post insulator of ceramic material or glass for system with nominal voltage greater than 1000V |
IEC 60282-2 |
High voltage fuses part2: Expulsion and similar insulators. |
IEC 60437 |
Radio interference test on high voltage insulators |
IEC 60507 |
Artificial pollution test on high voltage insulators to be used on A.C system |
ANSI C 37.41 |
design tests for high voltage fuses, distribution including air switches, fuse disconnecting switches and accessories. |
ANSI C 37.42 |
Specification for distribution cut outs and fuse links |
NEMA S.G 2 |
High voltage fuses |
Note: in case of any deviation from the listed standards, it should be indicated in the list of deviations submitted by the supplier.
- Minimum Dielectric withstand values
Power frequency withstand 1 min Dry and wet |
- To earth and between poles |
24,33 kV |
50, 70 kV |
- across the isolating distance |
24, 33 |
60,80 kV |
Impulse (1.2×50µ sec) |
- To earth and between poles |
24 , 33 kV |
145 / 170kV |
- across the isolating distance |
24 , 33 kV |
145 , 200 kV |
- Fuse tube:
Fuse tube shall be done fiber lined epoxy fiber glass with exterior ultra violet (U.V) protected, solid cap and single vented with arc shortening rod. Solid link shall also be used in place of as and when required.
- Main assembly construction:
The main assembly shall be mounted on a single insulator of 660 mm creepage distance in the case of 24 kV fuse cutouts and single insulator along with stand off insulator arrangement of total creepage of 825 mm or 1320 mm for 33kV fuse cutouts.
- Mounting arrangement:
The expulsion fuse cutouts shall be suitable for vertical mounting. NEMA brackets shall be provided for both type of expulsion fuse cutouts. The brackets including bolts, nuts, lock washers..etc. shall be in accordance with ANSI C 37.42 to prevent swiveling. The upper, lower fuse unit and fitting shall be reusable. The fuse holder shall be easy to operate with hot stick.
- contacts:
All contacts shall be designed to give continuous rated current carrying capacity after exposure to marine and desert climates for the service life. contacts shall be silver cald on
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 84
each side. Embossed surfaces with wiping action are preferred. top and bottom contacts, sub assembled and mounting fitting shall be putted into the porcelain insulators. The upper fixed contacts assembly shall not be corroded when exposed to atmosphere. Upper contacts shall positively latch in the closed position. The lower contacts shall be with stainless steel backup spring to prevent arcing that may occur as the fuse tube rises slightly in the hinge operation.
- Terminals:
The terminals shall be made in such way that ACSR / AW conductors can be connected without any risk of corrosion. The material used shall be copper and plated with suitable alloy. The terminals shall be parallel groove type and shall be suitable for the standard sizes of conductors used by MOE.
- Insulators:
The insulators shall be porcelain and bird proof. There shall be no steel bands around the insulator. In case of standoff insulator, the insulators shall be rigidly connected to the channel base where provided so that deflection of the insulators under short circuit condition is kept to a minimum and there is no tendency for them to work loose from base. All the opening in the insulator shall be completely potted with inorganic sulfur cement and all exposed areas are of the sulfur cement shall be coated with an enamel-based paint to minimize the ingress of moisture.
- Load break switch:
The expulsion fuse cutouts shall be provided with load break hooks to facilitate the use of portable load break tools. The attachment hooks shall be made of galvanized steel, not less than 9.54 mm (3/8"in) diameter. They shall be resistance welded to the upper contacts assembly. Spot welding, which can produce localized rust and weaken the hooks, shall not be acceptable.
- Galvanization:
All iron components shall be galvanized. The supplier shall state weight / thickness of zinc coating on the attachment technical data schedule.
- Deviations
The tenderer shall particularly mention in his tender all deviations of his offer from the specifications described in these tender documents.
- Marking:
Each fuse tube shall be permanently marked with the following information as minimum, in English and / or Arabic.
- rated voltage
- max. continuous current rating
- rated interrupting current symmetrical
- basic insulation level
-manufacturer's name and trade mark.
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 85
- Country of origin
- Technical data:
- The tenderer should fill technical data table with quotation. in addition to data schaduals,
- Details dimentions and drawings should be submitted.
- reference list should be attached with the tender.
- type test reports.
Technical data schedule 24kV Expulsion fuse cut out
# |
Description |
unit |
required data |
offered data |
1 |
system voltage |
kV |
24 |
2 |
Max design voltage |
kV |
24 |
3 |
continuous current capacity |
A |
100 |
4 |
Interrupted current (symmetrical) |
kV |
8 |
5 |
BIL at altitude |
kV |
145 |
6 |
total minimum creepage |
mm |
To be filled |
7 |
power frequency with stand 1 min. dry and wet:
- to earth and between poles
- across the isolating distance
kV kV |
50 60 |
8 |
Impulse (1.2µ sec):
- to earth and between poles
- across the isolating distance
kV kV |
145 145 |
9 |
Max. radio interference voltage |
µV |
250 |
10 |
Ambient temp. during temp. rise test |
C |
11 |
temperature rise of contacts |
C |
12 |
temperature rise of terminals |
C |
13 |
material of supporting insulators |
porcelain |
14 |
color of the insulator |
Glazed brown / grey |
15 |
manufacture of insulator
- main insulator
- stand of insulator
16 |
type of main contacts material |
17 |
fuse cut out with single or stand-off insulator NEMA brackets |
18 |
cut out suitable for removal button head fuse link |
19 |
all assemblies potted into the porcelain |
20 |
angle of the fuse insulator to vertical |
15°-20° |
21 |
shed to be incorporated into upper contact assembly |
Section VII - Schedule of Requirements 86
22 |
all current carrying parts material |
copper / copper alloy |
23 |
conductors terminals tin plated |
24 |
contacts silver clad |
25 |
all ferrous components galvanized |
26 |
load break fitting |
27 |
arc interrupted assisted by a spring operated flipper |
28 |
the protection of fuse link from mechanical shock by latching of toggle mechanism |
29 |
non expandable type fuse cap |
30 |
the fuse tube marked with manufacturer, model continuous and interrupting current rating, rated voltage and date of manufacture |
31 |
routine tests carried out on 100% of the offered items |
32 |
type test certificates included in the tender along with complete descriptive lierature. |
- Packing and shipment:
The supplier should pack or protect the goods in the most appropriate manner. He will be responsible for any loss or damage arising from careless packing or protection up to the place of final destination. The method of packing shall be such as to protect of all items against excessive corrosion or dampness and shall afford adequate protection against breakage or other injury or loss due to breakage of causes or crates from the time. The item leaves the factory until finally installed during which time. The apparatus will travel by rail. by long sea voyage again by rail or truck to the site or store. Expulsion fuses shall not be packed in any organic material. Each container shall have the following information stenciled on it in English or Arabic:
- Manufacturer's name
- Country of origin
- MOE item number
- MOE purchase order number.
- Weight in kg.
- Handling instruction
- Voltage and current rating.
- Samples: samples and catalogues should be send with the offer.